Project 2 | Seeing Light

Project Objective

  • Explore light as compositional and technical photographic element.

Project Description

One of the strongest compositional elements you can use is the contrast of values to place emphases and direct the eye. This assignment is to help develop the ability as a photographer to see situations where darks and lights can be used to improve an image. Photograph in Black and White.

Step-by-step Directions

Part 1

Step 1: Dark Object on a Light Background | Static

Setup an interesting 3D dark object against a light background so the object contrasts with the background creating emphasis and focal point and also defining the content (image mood).

Take at least six shots exploring different camera settings/exposures.

Create a contact sheet in Adobe Bridge for the six images (grid 2 x 3)

Under Project 2,  Step 1, upload the six images and the contact sheet to your Online Digital Portfolio.

Step 2: Light Object on a Dark Background | Static

Setup an interesting 3D light object against a dark background so the object contrasts with the background creating emphasis and focal point and also defining the content (image mood).

Take at least six shoots exploring different camera settings/exposures.

Create a contact sheet in Adobe Bridge for the six images (grid 2 x 3)

Under Project 2, Step 2, upload the six images and the contact sheet to your Online Digital Portfolio.

Step 3: Dark Object on a Light Background | Dynamic

Out on location photograph an an interesting 3D dark object against a light background so the object contrasts with the background creating emphasis and focal point and also defining the content (image mood).

Take at least six shots exploring different camera settings/exposures.

Create a contact sheet in Adobe Bridge for the six images (grid 2 x 3)

Under Project 2,  Step 3, upload the six images and the contact sheet to your Online Digital Portfolio.

Step 4: Light Object on a Dark Background | Dynamic

Out on location photograph an interesting 3D light object against a dark background so the object contrasts with the background creating emphasis and focal point and also defining the content (image mood).

Take at least six shots exploring different camera settings/exposures.

Create a contact sheet in Adobe Bridge for the six images (grid 2 x 3)

Under Project 2,  Step 4, upload the six images and the contact sheet to your Online Digital Portfolio.

Part 2
  • Present the four steps’ images and contact sheets for critique.
  • Choose the best image in each category and edit it in Photoshop using Curves and Levels.
  • Upload the final results along with the original image to your Online Portfolio.
Part 3
  • Create your digital darkroom workflow with the documentation of the steps you took to enhance your final images.
  • Upload the workflow along with the corresponding final images.


The objects need to be three dimensional, not white type on a black background for instance. Select the best shot illustrating dark on light OR the best shot illustrating light on dark.

Pay close attention to the composition! Use the rule of thirds!!!!

Grading Criteria

This project is worth 7 points.

  • Six (6) static dark object against light background uploaded to portfolio (1)
  • Six (6) static light object against dark background uploaded to portfolio (1)
  • Six (6) dynamic dark object against light background uploaded to portfolio (1)
  • Six (6) dynamic light object against dark background uploaded to portfolio (1)
  • Retouched and uploaded to portfolio best image from each category (2)
  • Workflow on each final image uploaded to portfolio (1 point)

  • Resources

Controlling Light

Elements of Design : Value, Color & Texture

Contact Sheet with Adobe Bridge

Sample Images